Friday, November 6, 2009

The Night Before....a Show

'Twas the night before craft show, and all through the house
not a creature was stirring, except for the...artist?

Ok, so this isn't going to rhyme...

I just finished off another day at the craft show, this time the CBC Charity Craft Show in downtown Toronto, and was so relieved to discover that I was not the only one who was running on pure adrenaline. The two vendors on either side of me also managed to squeak in perhaps 3 hours of sleep the "night" before...if they were lucky!

It seems that every time I work up to a show...lets say about a week before...I promise myself that I'll be prepared, packed, and in bed by some reasonable hour....lets say about 10:00pm, the night I ever? No.

Maybe one of these days I'll learn that perhaps it isn't so necessary to create one more ornament, or jewellery piece, or whatever! On that day, I will actually pack my things in the morning, load the car, then kick back, relax, and have a restful evening before the hectic events of the following day!

Ahh, one can only dream!

1 comment:

Mel said...

I hear ya there...I have a day show coming up next weekend , then a two day at the beginning of December..Not sure why I do this to myself so close to Christmas,on top of still buying Christmas presents, renovations and having my entire family here the Sunday before Christmas!! What???